The 5 food groups.
Most of us could use a little refresher on how much of each food group we should be having. The tricky part is that not everyone is made the same, so not everyone needs to 2000 calories and some people need more. And some still don't understand the "moderation" group when it comes to sugars, fats, and extra calories and what it means to actually eat those things in moderation.

Here is a great link from that gives you different meal plans according to different calorie intakes (1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000, etc)...
If you don't know how many calories you should be eating according to your goal, you can get a plan from the same link!
Keep track of your food for 1 week and see the groups you need more of and the groups you need to eat less of! There are also great tracking tools all over the internet like this one...
Try it for a week and let me know what you find out about yourself!
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