Thursday, October 28, 2010

America is #1

As the fattest country in the world, it's no wonder we are number one...we tip the scales in our weight, in our disease costs, in our food production, in our lack of activity...

We eat too much (meal sizes in America would feed an entire family in other countries).
We move too little (95% of American's get little to no activity).
The food we eat is highly processed with little to no nutritional value (that's what we are told to eat by our television sets, so it must be good for us).

I LOVE this article by that talks about the Obesity in America and how by 2020, 75% of American's will be obese or overweight. That is 3 out of every 4 people, folks...

Good thing we are going to be paying for EVERYONE's health care...yeah, that's just what I can afford...everyone else's disease maintenance costs because they wont change their eating habits and get up off the couch.

Did you know that one .99 cent hamburger causes at least $5 in future health care costs? Don't worry...supersize it...I'll pick up the tab...

And it's no wonder we are raising a generation who is overweight and diabetic...the government covers costs for products such as infant formula, that has over 50% sugar... (Read that article HERE). And then check out the first ingredient from this "Balanced Infant Nutritional Formula..."

What a great way to get infants addicted to sugar, which will affect them the rest of their lives...
And so the cycle continues...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Get in my belly

Halibut with Lime-Cilantro Yogurt Topping
by DotFit Registered Dietitian


4 5-ounce center-cut halibut fillets

1 cup plain, non-fat yogurt, drained

1/4 cup fresh chopped cilantro

2 tbsp fresh squeezed lime juice


Preheat broiler and coat broiler rack with nonstick cooking spray. If you choose to grill the halibut, spray the grill before preheating it to medium-high.

Rinse halibut fillets and pat dry. Place halibut on broiler rack or grill.

Combine yogurt, cilantro and lime juice. Mix well.
Spread half the mixture on top of halibut fillets. Broil or grill for 10 minutes per inch of thickness, turning once half way through and spreading rest of yogurt on top of second side.

Serve with green beans and rice or couscous.
Serves 4
         Nutrition Facts (per serving)

Personality Insights Profile

Ever wonder why you get along with some people and other's just aren't your cup-of-tea? Well, here is a Personality Insights Profile DISC Test that can explain a little about the differences in our individual personalities.

Why is this being included on a health and fitness blog? Well, it's always important to understand a little bit more about yourself, the people you surround yourself with vs. the people you should be surrounding yourself with and how effective of a communicator you are (which this test explains all of it).

Take a few minutes, check out the DISC Test and let me know what you think!